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The new Speed Stacks G5 Timer is the next step in the evolution of sport stacking. The patented four-pad activation system eliminates a whole class of scratches by ensuring that hands can’t be holding cups when starting and stopping the timer. Other G5 features include:

Two operation modes: 4-Pad (for stacking) and 2-Pad (for speed cubing). Just hold the RESET button for 5 seconds to switch modes.

RESET and POWER buttons have a new reinforced design that won’t wear through with extended use.

Hold-feature on RESET and POWER buttons prevents lost times when a timer is slammed.

Tournament Display (sold separately) cord plugs in underneath the timer so it’s out of the way and doesn’t accidently get unplugged.

A new snap-in G5 button system eliminates timers getting knocked off the mat inadvertently

큐브 스피드 트랙 타이머 | Speed Stacks | G5 Timer

SKU: Cube Speed Tracks G5
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